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Colombian Lesserblack/Blue Bloom



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Xenesthis immanis - Colombian Lesserblack/Blue Bloom

Date Acquired: April 4, 2022

Last Shed: May 25, 2022 Now has some color

Sex: Female

Last Rehouse: 04/4/2022

Personality: Fast - Moderate Defensive if disturbed 

Care Level: Intermediate - New World

Urticating hairs: Yes

Care and Details: Terrestial - Likes to burrow into the substrate or uses hides if made available.

Local: South America, Venezuela. The climate of Venezuela is hot humid and considered tropical.  The annual average temperature ranges between 24°C (mid 70's) and 27°C (mid 80's)

Temp/humidity: Temperature between 72°-80°F and humidity at 70% The substrate is CoCO fiber mixed with earth. A weekly misting to maintain humidity.

Enclosure: A setup for a Terrestial tarantula. This large spider burrows with some webbing,  I use a flat cork bark hide. The enclosure should be a 12x 12 x 12 for a fully grown adult. All-glass enclosure

Substrate: Currently is 50% Coco fiber and 50% Earth with a depth up to the lower vent holes, about 6 inches. 

Food: A few Crickets every week depending on the appetite. On occasion a mealwork or Cockroach. 

Adult Size: A large spider at about 7 inches fully grown.

Longevity: Females about 15 years, Males about 4

Temperament: A fast-moving spider. It shows defensive posture when provoked and will bite if messed with. Will venture out of hiding mostly late afternoon and night.

Venom: Not Medically Significant

Personal Note: The Xenesthis immanis was one of my very first Tarantula, it was a male and lived for about 5 years. I wanted to replace this species with a female and hopefully, I have a female now. Purchased two from different breeders as females.  I have not sexed them as of yet.


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