I was not all that lucky in previous years of getting any real useable photos of Wood Ducks in the location I lived, due to the scarcity and short time frame they seem to stay in this area during the late spring season. I find the Wood Duck a stunningly beautiful waterfowl. The males in particular with iridescent browns, blacks, white green, ornate patterns on nearly every feathe, this is one pretty bird. Females very attractive but have a less colorful pattern but the same distinctive profile and delicate white pattern around the eye. I find Wood Ducks in the wooded marsh ares that have hardwood forest adjacent to the water. With some research I discovered they nest in holes in trees or use man made nest boxes. Little did I know they are one of the few duck species with claws that can grip bark and perch on branches- see my photos of a group perching.
Don't Overpay on Camera Equipment by Pre-Ordering!
- This is my new macro rig creation using some spare parts and new cages for my Nikon Z mirrorless camera bodies. Building It Yourself is fun and rewarding.
I have a couple of photographic weaknesses, Birds and Flowers. Whenever I am out doing some photography shooting regardless of what my intentions are if I run across a great-looking flower I stop and take a photo or try to incorporate the flower into my scene. The great thing about flower photography is you really don't need any specialized equipment. I have even taken flower photos with a fisheye lens. If you want to discover more about flower photography read on...
Nikon continues to discontinue F mount lenses and DSLR cameras.