The American Wild Turkey is a wonderful sight to see out in the wild, and for me, it took nearly two years to capture these images, Wild Turkeys are wary of people and have keen senses and when you approach the Wild Turkey will flee, making any photography difficult.
Early one morning along with my 600mm Nikkor and TC 1.4 and ran across a group of Wild Turkeys due to the proximity I was not able to acquire a full body photo, the lens was too long. The Next day I returned with my 400mm and was at least able to get three usable shots before they spotted me and scattered.
What a wonderful family! - The female Turkey will look after nearly a dozen chicks and is ever vigilant. She comes to the front of danger with wings down to defend the young - and will so when pressed. What a miracle of nature - precarious & delicate to. We can appreciate but may not fully understand the demand on their environment, Humans need a reset! Without Nature, we are done!
If Nature is to survive- make room - it is beautiful and beneficial to all of the human
Close to the grass edge were 4 downy covered young turkey chicks who were in the process of getting their permanent feathers. leave the nest soon after hatching. Female tends young, and broods them at night for several weeks; young feed themselves. Young can make short flights at age of 1-2 weeks, but not full-grown for several months.