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Those who do birding have all my respect, I can imagine the amount of time and effort (joy) birders go to record and discover the wonderful life of birds. They are amazing. Many times birders ask me what birds are in the area or did I get any good photos. I feel guilty and I listen to the beautiful songs and calls these birds make, and while I make an effort later in the day to research the bird images I had taken but I still am a novice when it comes to any real knowledge of the more uncommon birds that visit my area on occasion. Why? They are VERY difficult to photograph. Let me confess, I know little about birds and their migratory habits, but as I spend more time outdoors and around birders, I begin to learn more and more. So, Thank you to all the birders out their in teaching the novices and inspiring us.
As I walk past hearing the songs and calls but not seeing them, Birds are masters of hiding, and when you do spot the bird they are behind limbs and leaves. Good Photography for birds is difficult, to say the least, for me it is but I continue to explore and walk the miles of trails for enjoyment over anything else.
This weekend I spent a few hours waiting on a mother bird to return to its nest to feed it's young, and had an opportunity to photograph these specimens.
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