My Blog

Early Morning Photography

Nikon 58mm f/1.4


I had a hard time sleeping last night, and the early dawn came calling my name, so I slid out of bed and quickly dressed to beat the morning sunrise.  I was lucky with traffic and arrived in my spot 5 minutes before the moment the sun peeks above the horizon.  

I came with one simple set up - One prime lens and One FX camera body and one trusty tripod.  The Nikon 58mm f/1.4, the Nikon D850, and my Gitzo carbon fiber three-legged friend. What better way to answer the early morning light?

Having a few sunrises under my belt, I knew the settings would be somewhere around 1/120s at f/5 for this time of year at peak sunrise, so I dialed it in an took a few test shots - all was near perfect.  While waiting, I swung my camera toward a bridge and took one photo at 1/2s at f/6.3 - the results were amazing.  But finally the sunrise came and I loved it, enjoy the photos in the blog post.