ExclusiveMacro equipment and Techniques Macro Photography TrueToad - May 12, 2021 Investing in close-up photography can be a rewarding aspect of this amazing hobby. Seeking advice and guidance from those who have blazed the trail before provides you with insight for making the right choices. Unless you live in the Nikon world, Macro is what most people refer to when describing close-up photography. Nikon calls it Micro, in this article and others I will simply call it close-up or macro photography.
ExclusiveBest Summer Photography Clothes Macro Photography TrueToad - September 19, 2018 So you are interested in Outdoor macro photography? We explore what I believe will make your outdoor macro photography a more pleasing experience.
ExclusiveMacro Photography Macro Photography TrueToad - May 8, 2013 Are you needing a boost in your photography, why not try closeup photography? Macro photography opens new doors and offers year round excitement. Just like regular photography it has it's own set of challenges.