
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst

Togo Starburst

Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst

Date Acquired: April 13, 2022

Last Shed:

Sex: Female

Last Rehouse: 04/13/2022

Personality: Defensive and Very Fast - Secretive and Hides

Care Level: Advanced - Old World

Urticating hairs: No

Care and Details:

Local: Africa Ghana/Togo The climate of Togo is tropical. Average annual temperatures range from 27°C (81°F) at the coast to 30°C (86°F) in the north. The south has two rainy seasons, from March to July and from October to November; the average annual rainfall on the coast is about 890 mm (about 35 in).

Temp/humidity: Temperature between 72°-80°F and humidity at 60%-70%. The substrate is CoCO fiber with a weekly misting to maintain humidity.

Enclosure: A setup for an arboreal tarantula, but as a spiderling or juvenile, they prefer to live on or close to the ground. I use a vertical cork bark to climb and as a hide. Therefore the enclosure should be taller than longer. 

Substrate: Currently is 100% Coco fiber with a depth up to the vent lower vent holes, about 6 inches. 

Food: A few Crickets every week depending on the appetite. On occasion a mealwork or Cockroach. 

Adult Size: Reaches a little over 5 inches (15.24cm). 

Longevity: Females about 12 years, Males about 3

Temperament: This is secretive, but is a very fast-moving spider. It is very defensive also and will bite if provoked.

Venom: Medically Significant