
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

Date Acquired: May 03, 2022

Last Shed:

Sex: Female

Last Rehouse: 05/03/2022

Personality: Mostly Docile, Fast - Uses hides and burrows in the ground and in nearby plants with web covering the substrate.

Care Level: Beginner - New World

Urticating hairs: Yes

Care and Details:

Local: Venezuela - Northern Regin. Mostly arid in the dry season from December - to April and a rainy season from May - to November. The vast territory and mountains make the climate fluctuate depending on your altitude. Overall around the low lands and coastal areas, it is hot year-round. Temp range from the low 20c to high 33c.

Temp/humidity: Temperature between 72°-80°F and humidity at 50%-60%. The substrate is a mix of CoCO fiber and reptile earth. A water bowl should be filled on a regular basis while the substrate should remain mostly dry. The Green Bottle Blue seems to prefer a more dry enclosure. 

Enclosure: A setup for a Terrestrial tarantula, but as a spiderling or juvenile a small micro enclosure is adequate. As the spider molts and grows in size an 8X8X8 (21cm) until fully grown then rehouse into a 12 x12x12 (31cm) enclosure. The Green Bottle Blue is a heavy Webber and will cover the enclosure with web and burrows.

Substrate: Currently is 50% Coco fiber mixed with reptile earth with a depth up to the vent lower vent holes, about 6 inches. 

Food: A few Crickets every week depending on the appetite. On occasion a mealwork and Cockroach. 

Adult Size: Reaches a little over 5 inches (15.24cm), 6  inches for well-fed females. The growth rate is medium and should start to show good colors and size after the fourth molt.

Longevity: Females about 14 years, Males about 4 years. Males die soon after reaching sexual maturity.

Temperament: This is a docile spider if not disturbed or provoked, but is a very fast-moving spider. It is rarely defensive and usually retreats also if provoked. 

Venom: Not Medically Significant to humans