
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican Fireleg

Mexican Fireleg

Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican Fireleg

Date Acquired: May 10, 2007, now 15 years old

Last Shed: Jan 20, 2022

Sex: Female

Last Rehouse: 04/20/2022 - forever home

Personality: Docile, rarely threat poses unless stressed. Will kick hairs if provoked.

Care Level: Intermediate - New World

Urticating hairs: Yes - I use gloves, long sleeves, and face protection during re-housings. Otherwise, I just open the enclosure and drop in the prey items.

Care and Details: Terrestial, Burrows into the substrate - Medium Growth Rate. Mine is a fully grown Female with a Diagonal leg span of 5.25 inches. About 16 years now under my care. Could be older since I received her as a young Juvie.

Local:  Mexico; The climate where the Mexican Fireleg Tarantula is found is a mostly arid climate. Hot and dry with Average annual temperatures ranging from the mid-'70s to mid-'80s. Climate is considered SubTropical.

Temp/humidity: Temperature around 72°F and humidity at 65% - 70%. The substrate is CoCO fiber. I use clay balls as a base for humidity control. I have kept this spider in the mid-60s for weeks during winter months with no ill effects other than a slower growth rate. Normal Room Temperatures are fine for this spider upper 60s to 80 degrees with upper substrate dry.

Enclosure: A setup for a Terrestial tarantula. I use cork bark as a hide with a pre-made burrow. The enclosure should be on the larger side for fully grown Tarantulas. Full Grown Adults should be housed in a 15" x 15" x 12" or larger all-glass enclosure.
- This Tarantula will regularly be on display. Mine is always out on display 90% of the time.

Substrate: Currently Coco fiber with a depth up to the lower vent holes with clay balls as a base to maintain humidity.

Food: Varied diet of Crickets and roaches and mealworms weekly depending on the appetite.  

Adult Size: Females grow to about 6+ inches when fully grown. Males are smaller-bodied but leggier. 

Longevity: Females, long-lived about 20+ years, Males about 8

Temperament: A mostly docile spider.

Venom: Non-Medically Significant, Mild Venom