Side Bar Cafe

This Year will be amazing

Mirrorless Explodes


Thank you for visiting the TrueToad Site. As some visitors know most of the gear I review I own or have had my hands on to allow a proper period of time to evaluate but for the most part, I own the gear. 

Going forward this year was an exciting time due to many of the cameras and lens manufactures releasing new products, delivering new and exciting technology to their customer base.

The many years I have been into photography I have learned that never say one company is the best - the best is always competing against the next who wants to be best. I look at the long road ahead and the vision where it is leading to. Sure, one day you are at the top of the game then one former TV manufacture comes along and makes better Mirrorless Cameras than any other company. Does that mean they will be the best forever? No.  Their strategy took advantage of complacency and hesitation. Now that the wake-up call rang, company X is rising slowly to its feet to face down challenges and deliver highly in demand photographic products. 

It is a time to reflect on the photographic past and look into our photographic future and begin a new journey into mirrorless, some have already started. Like the SLR Film days, it was freighting at first to let go of the old and embrace the new - Here we are again.

Thank You from TrueToad, enjoy the site!